Thursday, October 1, 2009

Results of a Balanced Academics and Chess

I wanted very much to join the 4th PGMA Cup Chess Challenge but need to set priority, my schooling or this chess event. It happened that our summative tests were scheduled during that period and have to chose in either getting the exams or join the tournament.

When you miss school you miss a lot especially if you are a week absent. You would miss class discussions and notes. You also miss homework, quizzes, and tests. You can never make up everything you miss. If you are absent, you are responsible for finding out what you missed. In some important chess events where I really have to be absent and if I would miss a quiz or a test, my parents would talk to my teacher to find out how I can make it up. Then I do my make-up work as soon as possible.

Chess at certain stage and season can be of temporal priority. If you are good in school you can be better in chess. Manage and use chess in our advantage.

My Grade for the 1st grading period in spite of monthly chess tournament, a weekly varsity training and at least a three (3) hour everyday training at home.
A Certificate of Merit being on the top 4 list among Grade 5 Students of Adamson University.

Results of my Diagnostics Tests conducted at Adamson University (Basic Education Dept.)

English Diagnostic Test - Above Average

Math Diagnostic Test - Above Average

Science Diagnostic Test - Above Average

1 comment:

  1. Daryl,

    Congrats to your high grades.

    God bless.

    MERALCO Chess Club
