Friday, February 29, 2008

Street Chess of Ruby, Onyx and Singalong Chess Club

After my Zapanta tambayan, I started going around the vicinities of Singalong (since we live in the area). After school, me, my father and my friends will go to these places and play chess. I felt like a little cub now getting ready to be exposed to the forest. There is that little bit of shyness to challenge after the losing player. And it was actually funny, my father will ask for a challenge and after that game it is I who will sit down. They thought they'll be playing with my father. Hahahaha! I could feel that awkwardness for them ... to play or not to play? that is the question. If I loose this game though you may thought I got nothing to loose, but would actually hear a little bit of scolding from my father (well don't worry, it's fine, it was an advice... a positve advice). It was like little cub learning the facts of life from father tiger. Because if I loose this game, they might not play again with me. No match they will conclude. But just like a prepared growing cub I successfully fuse my tiny self into the forest. I won most of the games, draw some and loose some. Today, I am now being welcomed by chess players from those places. I don't just gain experiences, admiration and appreciation, but friends as well.

Inspiration of being a cub taken from this site:

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